¿Que Pasarìa Si Los Humanos Fuèramos Sin Sentimientos?
What would happen if humans were no Feelings?
Solo Pensarlo es Raro, ¿No?, Serìamos Seres Sin Vida entre Comillas, NO sentir nada, Amor, Paz,
Think it is only Bizarre, Do not ?,'d be between Comillas Lifeless Beings NOT feel anything, Love, Peace,
Happiness,Enojo, ETC.
El sentir son cosas que son necesarias. ¿Què Hariamos Sin Ellas?
The feel are things that are necessary. What Would We Do Without Them?
Ahora veamos Imàgenes Sobre distintos Sentimientos..
Now let's see images of different feelings ..
love is the only feeling that can move the world and your heart.
Tristeza- sadness.
that strange feeling of sadness every time I have to separate me from you, not very happy that it was the day
Enojo- anger
anger a state where the tongue works faster than the mind.
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Thanks for your attention on my Blog.